Ways You Can Help

Volunteer Parties
Many hands make light work! To speed through big tasks, Gardom Lake organizes volunteer parties where groups of friends and individuals come up to tackle projects. These happen most often in the off-season (Oct to Apr).
Everyone is welcome to be part of our volunteer community. No specific skills are needed. Jobs range from (but are not limited to) site projects of varying intensity to cleaning, organizing, creative projects, etc. Come to share, come to learn!
Gardom Lake provides warm, comfortable accommodations. Volunteers can expect to put in 6 hours per day with lots of time left-over for relaxing meals or games and campfires in the evening. A communal kitchen is made available for everyone to bring food and eat together and people can be paired up to share meal responsibilities. Some events are family-friendly with people taking turns doing child care.
Is there a project you as a Church or Organization would like to do to leave your finger print here @ GLBC? Let us know how we can make this happen!